Monday, 23 July 2012
Guild Album Available now
Tuesday, 27 September 2011
Calrec Audio unveil Artemis light
Calrec Audio unveiled Artemis Light at IBC 2011, the newest member of its Artemis family of Bluefin2/Hydra2 audio consoles. Artemis Light introduces a new compact processing rack dedicated to delivering DSP and routing capabilities in a 4U enclosure.
Wednesday, 27 July 2011
Guild Atonement featured on Shining Crimson Horror Audiobook
Tuesday, 17 May 2011
GUILD Ascension EP Disquiet review
GUILD: Ascension / Atonement ep
It isn't a drone. The drone is there, sure, a background thing, like the surface noise of an old jazz record, or the dust in an underutilized chapel. But it's just part, maybe parcel, but certainly not the whole thing. There seems to be a voice buried in the drone: a melody, snail slow and no less determined, plugs along, plowing through the thick haze. Shoegazer drone rock. Snailgazer. It's a choral music where the score is a map of the torque of some massive structure in free space, shifting at a pace determined by a processing system overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of the effort. Sparks fly, circuits short out. The sound is massive and unholy, gothic in its impact but downright rarefied in its implementation. This is "Atonement" by Guild. It's one of two tracks onAscension, the other of which takes its name from the album's title, or vice-versa.
According to the brief liner notes, both tracks are the result of a bass guitar put through its paces: "drones effected, looped and processed." Guild is a name adopted by Mark Midgley, who on his markmidgleyofficial.blogspot.comnotes the association between his slomo death pop and the work of My Bloody Valentine and, more recently, Jesu. Midgley is a member of various bands, including Falconetti, Alt, and the Black Lanterns. Album released by the netlabel
Monday, 28 March 2011
GUILD Ascension EP Available now for free Download
Monday, 7 February 2011
New GUILD EP Ascension to be released on Resting Bell netlabel March

Monday, 13 September 2010
GUILD Requiem on WAS IST DAS Podcast 6

stream from MIXCLOUD
GUILD - "REQUIEM" from the Requiem EP (Rural Colours)
MICE PARADE - "INBETWEEN TIMES" from the album What It Means To Be Left-Handed (Fat Cat)
DAMO SUZUKI with C.I.A. - untitled live improvisation from Hebden Bridge Trades Club, July 31st 2010
top 5 from Weirdo Records
844 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge MA 02139
1.Various artists - Chinese Rocks (Outhouse)
2.International Hello - S/T (Holy Mountain)
3.Les Rallizes Denudes - Heavier Than A Death In The Family (Phoenix)
4.Various Artists - Let's A Go Go (Silver Tortoise)
5.White Boy & The Average Rat Band - S/T
DEAD SEA APES - "SOY DIOS" - free download from here
TWINSISTERMOON - "DESERT PROHECY" from the album "And Then Fell The Ashes..." (Blackest Rainbow)
CLUTTER - "YELLOW LIGHT DISCARDED" from the EP Yellow Light Discarded (Clutter Music)
BIG BLOCK 454 - "BLIND JACK OF KNARESBOROUGH" from their next album, currently a work in progress
MININOKOTO - "THAT SPIRAL ORBIT" from the album Chofu Ekoda Koenji (Plunk's Plan)